
How to choose dog food

1.Check the ingredients of dog food:

- Quality dog food is typically clearly labeled with a raw material table on the packaging. Generally, the raw materials are listed in descending order of content, so it's important to focus on the first ingredient. If it is a meat ingredient and specifies the type of meat (e.g., chicken, beef, fish), then it indicates good quality.
- Meat composition level: Pure meat > Poultry meat > Meat meal > Poultry meat meal. The inclusion of different types of meats in the ingredients is preferable for better nutritional value.
- Consider additive composition: Look for dog food that contains a rich variety of vitamins and trace elements as this indicates wide coverage and comprehensive nutrition.

2. Observe protein-to-fat ratio: To determine if a dog food is high quality, pay attention to its protein and fat content. Ideally, protein content should range between 22-35%. Excessive protein can lead to weight gain issues. Fat content should be at least 8% according to national standards; therefore, in quality dog food, fat content should fall between 10% and 15%.

3. Chloride content: Apart from the aforementioned points, when purchasing dog food also consider chloride (salt) content since pets shouldn't consume excessive amounts of salt. Consuming salty foods may cause various conditions such as tearing eyes or deteriorating hair quality. It's advisable to choose products with approximately 0.05% chloride content.

4. Observe the appearance of dog food

Look: The high-quality dog food particles are complete and uniform, and the surface has some texture residue.

Smell: high-quality food will be scattered out of the light liver flavor.

Taste: The taste is also important, as long as it doesn't go down, you can try it. If the taste is too salty, it is not recommended to buy, most of such fine products are merchants to add salt to increase pet appetite.

Touch: In addition, we can directly grab a handful and put it in the palm, if it is greasy, it is not recommended.

5. Love consequences

Buy boutique, the best is to buy with sample packaging, this kind can also let the pet try first, not also can return. Good products after eating poo shape and less stick to the ground; Excretion of poor products will increase after eating, and the stool is sticky and particularly smelly. Normally, pet excretion should be yellow or yellowish brown or dark brown; Abnormal colors include white, green, reddish-brown and gray-black.

Shandong BSG Pet Products Co., Ltd focuses on the production of nutrient-balanced pet food to accompany the healthy growth of pets every day

PREVIOUS:The introduction of cat food

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