
How to tell if cat food is spoiled

To judge whether cat food is fresh, you can observe it from the aspects of appearance, smell, texture and packaging.

1. Appearance: Fresh cat food should look uniform and have no obvious discoloration, mold spots or foreign objects. Normal cat food particles should be neat and dry without any signs of moisture or greasiness. Any abnormality may mean that the cat food has deteriorated or been contaminated, which may affect the health of the cat.

2. Smell: Fresh cat food should have a light grain or meat smell, without pungent or strange smells. The normal smell of cat food should be natural and consistent with its ingredients. If you smell a strange smell in cat food, it may be that the cat food has deteriorated or been contaminated. Spoiled cat food may contain harmful bacteria or mold, which is harmful to the health of cats.

3. Texture: Fresh cat food should be dry and the particles are intact, without lumps or moisture. Dry cat food usually means that it is well preserved and has no signs of moisture or dampness. Cat food with intact particles and no lumps is easy to eat and is easier to maintain freshness and nutritional value.

4. Packaging: When buying cat food, be sure to check whether the packaging is intact and choose undamaged packaging. If you find any problems with the packaging, you should immediately replace it with a new one or change the cat food to ensure that your cat gets high-quality food.

You can judge whether the cat food is fresh by observing its appearance, smell, texture, and packaging. Choosing fresh cat food is essential for the health of your cat. Therefore, when buying and using cat food, be sure to carefully check and pay attention to these details to ensure that you provide your cat with high-quality food.

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